A person sewing apparel components in Itorch Apparel's factory.

About Itorch apparel

Since 2013, Itorch manufactures woven apparel at its own factory and provides sourcing services to world-renowned brands. With headquarters and its facility conveniently located in Nanjing, and a branch office in Hong Kong, the Itorch Group employs up to 450 people in China. Itorch also employs hundreds more people at its high-volume production facility in Cambodia.

Outside of the Itor trading office on a sunny day in Hong Kong.
The exterior of Itorch apparel's Nanjing factory on a sunny blue sky day.

our mission

Icon of the planet earth replacing the pupil of an eye, representing Itorch Apparel's global vision.

our vision


We take great pride in providing a respectful work environment for our team and implementing sustainable processes and standards.

World Responsible Accredited Production Gold compliance certificate for Itorch Apparel.

Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

Grlobal Recycled Standard certificate awarded to Itorch Apparel for 2024 to 2025

Global Recycled Satandard Certification

Recycled Claim Standard certification attributed to Itorch Apparel for 2024 to 2025.

Recycled Claim Standard Certification

ISO 9001 certification awarded to Itorch Apparel by reason of its quality management system.

Quality Management System Certification

Social monitoring audit certification awarded to Itorch Apparel

Amfori Social Audit – Manufacturing

Our team

Members of Itorch Apparel's team in the showroom.
Portrait of Souk, an account manager with Itorch Apparel.
Portrait of Frank, an account manager with Itorch Apparel.